How to care for your clothes

Have you ever bought a piece of clothing and wondered if I really hope this lasts forever? If so, this blog is for you. Buying clothing can be expensive especially when you know it won’t last long. Here are some tips on how to make your clothing last a long time and stay in good condition. 

1:  Understanding your clothing types.

When buying clothes most people don’t think to look if the clothing is made from cotton, wool, silk, etc. When you know the type of clothing you buy you will know how to take care of it properly. According to The Guardian, every garment will eventually wear out after repeated wearing and washing, but the jury is out on which fabrics are the most durable. Selecting clothing that is made from  a certain fabric can have a big impact on if your clothes will last a long time. So once you learn how to pick certain fabrics and how to take care of them properly you will see a difference in the shape of your clothing. 

2: Choosing the right detergent.

The type of detergent you use on your clothes can have an impact on how long they will last. Most people stick to one type of detergent and that is ok. Although certain clothing types will last longer with certain detergents. This is just a way to keep your clothes looking fresh and not worn out. 

3. Drying techniques with certain clothing.

Not every piece of clothing needs to go in a dryer. A lot of times when I am washing clothes I don’t pay attention and put something in the dryer and it comes out threaded. This is because it was meant to air dry. Air dryer is always the safest route to choose but it also takes time. If you do use your dryer you want to make sure the heat settings are set properly to avoid shrinkage. 

Following these tips can give your clothes a longer life! As you go forward in your shopping journeys I encourage you to pay attention if you want these clothes to last you a lifetime. Be aware that you are taking care of your clothes from now on. 


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